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All-In-One Content Scheduling And SEO Keyword Planning Tool For Pinterest

Imagifyr Is The Swiss Army Knife Helping Pinterest Marketers Generate SEO Keywords And Copy With AI While Scheduling Their Pinterest Pins

All-In-One Pinterest Scheduling Right On The Calendar

Schedule or edit multiple pins at multiple times and see them all at a glance – ALL FROM ONE CALENDAR!

  1. Select your uploaded file.
  2. Fill in the title, description, and CTAs (or let AI do it for you)!
  3. Pick a Pinterest board, a time, a timezone, and SCHEDULE!
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All-In-One Keyword Planner With Pinterest's Keyword API!

Dial in your Pinterest keyword planning by using keywords recommended by Pinterest themselves via the Pinterest API. Just plug in your keywords in the keywords field, click the sparkles, and get related keywords straight from Pinterest themselves!

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Clone Any Brand With AI!

  1. Fill in the website on the website field for a new Pinterest Brand.
  2. Click on the sparkles next to the Brand Voice field.
  3. VoilΓ . Your Brand Voice is ready!
  4. Future AI generated posts will SOUND LIKE THE BRAND!
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Easily Generate Copy for Pins in One Click with AI

  1. Create a Pinterest Board with targeted keywords on Imagifyr.
  2. Click the "Sparkles" for keyword optimized copy made by AI.
  3. Schedule your SEO optimized Pinterest Pin for later!

Why start with Imagifyr?

SEO done in seconds advantages
Write SEO optimized content in seconds

Imagifyr is customized to create high-performing SEO marketing content!

Hourglass Advantages
Save hours to days of time!

Doesn't matter if you're a CEO, employee, or freelancer. Hours to days of crafting the perfect SEO Optimized content can now be done in seconds!

Brainstorming advantages
Come up with more ideas

More saved time can be redirected to other more enjoyable tasks like brainstorming!

Pinterest and OpenAI advantages
Integrated with Pinterest and OpenAI

Imagifyr is at the crossroads providing you with keywords optimized for Pinterest and the web at large.

More clients advantages
Take on more clients

With freed hours and days, you can now take on more clients, and still offer the same quality of work!

AI Assistant advantages
Be on the edge of technology.

AI is here to stay, get ahead of the crowd on learning to use it as an assistant NOW rather than later.


Join our community on Discord

Ideas, bugs, support? Get that all from this community

Who Are "We"?

"We" is just me, Donald, for now.

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There isn't a team behind this. I'm doing the coding, the marketing, and the customer support. I'm not bragging. Imagifyr is a HUGE challenge and is very demanding, but I get a lot of joy working on it. And I use it everyday for my own work, and I hope it will be valuable to you. If you have questions or need help, you won't be forwarded to anyone, but ME. Because I'm the only customer support I can afford right now, haha.

Aside from Imagifyr, I am also documenting the entire journey and you can follow along on X and Youtube.


Pricing plans for teams of all sizes

Choose an affordable plan that’s packed with the best features for engaging your audience, creating customer loyalty, and driving sales.

Payment frequency

Early Adopter – Lifetime

This is a no brainer. And WON'T be here forever. Limited to 50 people!


  • 100,000 AI words ONE TIME, then pay-as-you-go
  • 150 MB of media storage
  • GPT-4 Turbo for your generations
  • Customizable system prompts to train your own Pinterest AI Helper!
  • AI crafts your brand's voice, description, and keywords from any website!
  • Generate SEO Optimized Pinterest Board Descriptions in One-Click!
  • Generate board keywords recommended by Pinterest API itself!

Early Adopter

Most popular

Be the first to join us! Early adopters will always get ALL features (today and tomorrow) at this price. Later adopters will pay 3-5X more!

$17 /month

πŸ‘‰ Start a free trial
  • 30,000 AI words
  • 200 GB of media storage
  • GPT-4 Turbo for your generations
  • Customizable system prompts to train your own Pinterest AI Helper!
  • AI crafts your brand's voice, description, and keywords from any website!
  • Generate SEO Optimized Pinterest Board Descriptions in One-Click!
  • Generate board keywords recommended by Pinterest API itself!

Early Adopter

Most popular

Get everything in monthly, but because you believe in Imagifyr for a year? You get 2 months FREE!

$170 /year

πŸ‘‰ Start a free trial
  • 30,000 AI words
  • 200 GB of media storage
  • GPT-4 Turbo for your generations
  • Customizable system prompts to train your own Pinterest AI Helper!
  • AI crafts your brand's voice, description, and keywords from any website!
  • Generate SEO Optimized Pinterest Board Descriptions in One-Click!
  • Generate board keywords recommended by Pinterest API itself!

The Guarantee.

All our plans include a 7-day free trial and a 30-day refund policy on the 1st payment. No questions asked, if you don't like the product. Just ask for a refund. I don't want your money unless you're COMPLETELY SATISFIED!

Imaginify 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Imagifyr Changelog

  • Analytics

  • Selling Lifetime Deals for Early Adopters

  • Scheduling Pinterest Pins

  • Pinterest SEO & Keyword Research with AI MVP Released

  • Optimized SEO and Keyword generated titles & descriptions with AI for Pinterest Pins – Done

  • Optimized SEO and Keyword generated titles & descriptions with AI for Pinterest Boards – Done

  • Generate Brand Voice, Profile description, and Keywords for a Website with AI for a new brand on Pinterest – Done